Saturday, January 17, 2015

Falling Off

Don’t worry, I didn’t fall off the face of the earth, just off of the blogging wagon. Christmas Eve (the last time I blogged) seems so far away. Almost as if it happened last year…

The holiday season was pretty magical. Christmas was a lot of fun and my boyfriend and I got engaged on New Year’s Day! This is actually the main reason why I haven’t been blogging. I’ve been wedding planning instead. Wedding planning actually involves a lot of writing, it’s just not the type of writing that I’d like to be doing. It’s all making lists and writing emails. But I’m determined to be more disciplined with my writing now that I’ve got a venue and catering nailed down.

What you can’t see is that after writing that last sentence, I just zoned out on the couch for several minutes staring at smoke. My fiancé just bought a meat smoker and it’s sitting on the balcony in a direct line of sight from the couch where I’m writing. Smoke is so pretty! And so distracting.

While I haven’t been writing lately, I have not been completely uninvolved in the writing process and the furthering of my writing career. My primary critique group met this week and we had a really great session. We have a new home at a meeting room in the Lafayette library and we also have a new member. Our critique session was so rousing that at one point a librarian came to shush us. We were brainstorming ideas for someone’s story and I came up with a good one and everyone was practically cheering. It’s so much fun working with people who get excited about writing and about helping each other. The story I brought this week has a lot of flaws and I was eager to get some insight about fixing them. My partners came up with some really good ideas, so now I just need to buckle down and try some of them out.

For my birthday last year, my fiancé gave me the gift of going to the SCBWI winter conference in New York. After some thought, I decided that instead of this conference I wanted to go to a writing workshop. The workshop is held at the Big Sur Lodge and it’s organized by the Andrea Brown Literary Agency and the Henry Miller Library. Over the course of a three-day weekend, you have your story read and critiqued by agents, writing coaches, and peers. I’m super-duper excited and can’t wait for March.

Climbing has been going really well and I’ve actually had luck climbing with some nice girls. Because it’s been so long since I bouldered outdoors, I’m having trouble deciding how hard the gym grades really are (they’re usually a grade or two below what outdoor grades are, so a gym V5 might only be like a V3 outdoors). I’m now climbing V4s and V5s in the gym so I’m pretty excited and I can’t wait to climb outdoors again.

What I’m reading: I finished Call the Midwife. Overall, it was decent, but I’m not sure I’d recommend reading it. I’m still reading Confederates in the Attic, which is quite good. It’s written by a journalist who’s moderately obsessed with the Civil War. The book charts his travels through the South visiting battlefields, joining reenactors, and talking to other people who are seriously obsessed with the Civil War. I read In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. It was interesting and very well written, but I didn’t actually enjoy it that much. I also started reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (ok so far, but I’m not in love with it) and The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee (a “biography”/history of cancer).

1 comment:

  1. Wooooooo! Congrats again!!! Sounds like everything is going really, really well! You'll have to tell me what you think of the Big Sur Workshop :)
