Monday, September 15, 2014

A Whirlwind

The past two weeks have simply flown by. I actually had to sit here and remind myself how long I've been living in Oakland. It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost two weeks since we moved in.

The actual moving part was relatively painless, as far as moving goes. Hiring movers was amazing! I highly recommend it, particularly if you don’t have to pay for them yourself. Despite skipping the physical work of moving, there was still a lot of mental work to do in terms of deciding where everything should go. And then once the movers left, we began the long, slow work of unpacking, organizing and arranging.
In the midst of unpacking
We got rid of a several car loads of stuff. It’s amazing how much junk two people can accumulate. Goodwill loves us now. Despite having shed many possessions, we still own quite a lot of stuff and there’s been an element of Tetris about putting things away. But the end is in sight now. We've found a place for almost everything.

The apartment itself is actually much nicer than we remembered it, plus they did some more renovating after we first saw it. There are new granite countertops and faucets in the kitchen and bathroom, and new sliding glass doors in the shower. The screen door leading to the balcony is new too. The kitchen is so much bigger than our old kitchen that it makes me quite happy. The stove is an ancient electric stove which I’m trying to get used to cooking on. I don’t miss the old stove we had, which dumped most of its heat into the kitchen instead of into the food, but I do miss gas burners.

Aside from the apartment being pretty nice, Rockridge is awesome. Our apartment is four houses up from College Avenue, which is just darling. There’s a Crossroads Trading Company (which is one of my favorite stores) on the corner. There are a couple of really good coffee shops just a few blocks away and every restaurant we've eaten at has been delicious. There’s a Trader Joe’s a couple of blocks away and a new Safeway is going in too.

Another huge bonus is that Lake Temescal is within running distance from our apartment. It’s about a three and a half mile run to get the lake, run around it, and run home. I love running by water! So I've been really enjoying this nice little run. There’s even an easy way to lengthen the run by a mile by doing a second loop around the lake on different path. I got so excited about running again that I signed up to do the Bridge to Bridge run with my friend.

What I’m reading: I finally finished Private Life by Jane Smiley. While I think highly of her writing style, I did not love the story. I enjoyed her book A Thousand Acres much more. I’m getting close to the end of The Thorn Birds. I've mostly been reading it in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep. I’m still really enjoying this book and I’m going to be a little sad when I’m done with it.

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